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The Rise of Green in Modern Interior Spaces: Bringing Harmony and Tranquility Home

22 May 2023

In recent times, the trend of incorporating green elements into interior spaces has skyrocketed. From artificial plants to wallpapers and picture frames, green interiors have become increasingly popular, creating a sense of harmony and tranquillity within our living spaces. Let's explore how the rise of green in modern interior design and complimenting Retrotouch light switches and sockets are transforming homes and why it has captivated the hearts of design enthusiasts. 



Biophilic Design: Biophilic design focuses on reconnecting humans with nature by integrating natural elements into the built environment. The incorporation of green interiors aligns perfectly with this concept, creating a connection to nature within our indoor spaces. By adding potted plants, green walls, or even botanical wallpapers, homeowners can bring the beauty of the outdoors inside, fostering a sense of calmness and well-being. 

Enhancing Aesthetics: The color green has a soothing effect and is known for its ability to create a refreshing and serene ambiance. Whether through the use of natural plants or artificial foliage, green interiors add a pop of color and texture, enhancing the overall aesthetics of a space. From lush green accents to leafy patterns, incorporating green elements adds vibrancy and life to any room, creating a visually appealing environment. 

Health and Well-being: Green interiors offer more than just visual appeal. Studies have shown that being surrounded by plants or green elements can have positive effects on our mental and physical well-being. Indoor plants improve air quality, reduce stress levels, and increase productivity. They also act as natural humidifiers, creating a healthier indoor environment. By embracing green interiors, homeowners can create spaces that promote a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. 

Versatile Design Options: One of the notable advantages of green interiors is their versatility in design. Whether you have limited space, a contemporary aesthetic, or a traditional style, there are numerous options to incorporate green elements. From small potted plants on shelves or hanging baskets, to statement green walls or botanical prints, there is a design solution to suit every preference and space. 

Sustainable Living: The rise of green interiors is also a testament to the growing focus on sustainable living. With an increasing awareness of environmental impact, many homeowners are opting for artificial plants or eco-friendly alternatives to reduce their carbon footprint. Artificial foliage can be an excellent choice for those who lack a green thumb or have limited access to natural light. These sustainable options offer long-lasting beauty without the need for constant maintenance. 

“The rise of green interiors has brought a breath of fresh air into modern interior design. The incorporation of plants, botanical wallpapers, and other green elements has become a popular choice for homeowners looking to create a harmonious and tranquil living environment. Whether driven by the desire for biophilic design, the pursuit of aesthetics, or the promotion of well-being, green interiors offer a versatile and sustainable solution for any space. So, why not embrace the calming influence of green and transform your home into a serene oasis that brings the beauty Retrotouch switches and sockets and of nature indoors? 


Enhance your green space with Retrotouch's crystal glass range. https://www.retrotouch.co.uk/crystal.html




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