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5 must-have gadgets for your home renovation project

2 Comments28 July 2021

With national lockdowns continuing well into 2021, our households are continuing to see a lot more use. If it seems like your home fixtures and fittings need a bit of TLC, or just need to be brought up to date with a modern, work-from-home environment, then you’ll no doubt be on the market for some smart upgrades that will help to make those much-needed lifestyle and aesthetic improvements.


In this spirit, we’ve compiled a list of the 5 must-have home renovation products for your next project.


1. Smart tap


Kitchen taps have undergone a bit of a facelift in recent years. The days of squeaky, rusty installations are over. In their place steps a new generation of ‘smart taps’ - providing motion sensor technology for seamless use. With their hands-free functionality, it is now easier than ever to operate your kitchen tap, and with a multitude of modes available, including ‘spray’ and ‘steam’, users can turn the boring chore of washing up into something rather more entertaining.


Models such as the Geoaton Sensor tap provide an excellent example of this new generation of kitchen tap, with their popular version available for just under £200.


2. Retrotouch Iotty switch


The Retrotouch WiFi Smart Switch is an all-encompassing home hack that - in so many ways - exists to make households more efficient, energy saving, and intuitive. With geo-location enabled, the lights throughout your home will be on whenever needed, and switched off whenever that area is vacated.


In addition to turning on lights automatically, iotty can be programmed to automatically open your front gate as you arrive, as well as opening and closing electric blinds according to the available daylight. These switches are easy to install and are a fantastic energy-saving way to keep your home up to date.


3. Smart table


If your work from home setup is rather more fluid than simply being confined to a segregated corner of the bedroom, perhaps you’ll be interested in some more unique and creative ways of continuing to work around the house? If a bit of light sofa work is in your interest, then why not adapt your furniture to serve your needs?


This i-box table incorporates a built-in USB charger, to make sure you’ll never be without power, no matter which part of the house you choose to work. And for the music lovers, it also features a built-in bluetooth speaker, perfect for when you want some sweet rhythms to keep the creativity flowing.


4. Illuminated bathroom mirror


A mirror is just a mirror, right? Wrong. Through the introduction of smart technology, a new type of mirror has emerged, including all the trappings of modern technology, and a plethora of customisable options available.


Taking its cue from Instagram filters, this backlit Artforma mirror allows the user to adjust the brightness and warmth of their reflection with ease. This sleek surface will look fantastic in any bathroom, and its impressive functionality will ensure you go out looking your best under any lighting conditions


5. Lithe Audio ceiling speakers


Lithe Audio’s award winning ceiling speakers are your all-in-one integrated speaker solution. Boasting unparalleled compatibility, you’ll be able to control multiple speakers using just your smartphone.


One of the key advantages of investing in an in-ceiling speaker solution is the amount of space you’ll free up down below. If you’re aiming for that modern, minimalist look, then consider these integrated speakers as the perfect way to eliminate the clutter around your household, while also taking advantage of a unique and intuitive speaker setup.

Arleth White
21 December 2022  |  10:55

Such an informative article just to add here, with loft extension and loft conversion in London, you will add more space to your home, which will help you make the most of your property. People are always looking for more space, new and bigger houses to rent or buy. If you wish to increase the value of your property without spending a lot, then loft extension and loft conversion in London will be the right choice. This will increase the square footage of your home, which means more space, increasing property value. A carefully extended or converted loft can make your home look more livable and more admirable.

Richland Siding Installation Contractors
03 May 2024  |  12:43

This is a great list of smart home gadgets to consider during a renovation ! The idea of incorporating Wi-Fi smart touch light switches and dimmers is particularly appealing for easy control and creating different lighting moods.

While the blog post focuses on smart lighting, are there any other smart home gadget categories you'd recommend for renovation projects? For instance, smart thermostats or voice assistants could be interesting additions.



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